Nov 15, 2008

The Winner Is and Darn It's Cold

I spent early this morning in the studio. It was kind of cozy, the wind is gusting, chilly with a hint of winter, but I just kept snipping and gluing and painting. Trying to stay busy, because Miss M hasn't decided to make an appearance Y E T !!! For the love of it. What is she thinking. We are all waiting to snug on her. Came back in for fresh coffee and most importantly ... I remembered my paper give away. I typed out all the entrants, not as many as I thought, and scrambled them in a bowl, sat it on top of my cupboard and randomly picked. I promise it was luck of the draw. The winner is: Tami from Congratulations, and thanks to all who stopped by. I'm going to come up with another one soon. It was fun. Later, :o) P

2 comments: said...

Congrats Tami!!!!!!!

JeanM said...

Those babies never do what they are suppose to do!
Congrats Tami.