Oct 12, 2008

Drenched With Love and Support

I don't think one could call yesterday a shower. It was a monsoon. LOL Tay was surrounded by friends and family and they all shared their love and support. While Tay opened presents, for what seemed like forever, guests entered the baby creating contest with play dough. While most did not resemble human baby forms, they truly got the laughs rolling. Taylor got to pick the winner. I also wanted to mention, what I thought was the most unique silly gift. Marleys first pair of high heels in bootie form. They are darling. So tiny. Where do people get these things? LOL

Now I want to take the time to thank Tammy and Kelly, and mention one of my favorite, cutest, most helpful girls on the planet. She assisted with games, serving, arranging gifts, keeping my punch glass full and helping Tay get rid of wrapping paper while opening. She then took gifts and loaded them into several vehicles, and came home with us to get things organized in Marley's room. She's a treasure.

Madison, you rock.

One last photo, an explosion of Love. LOL

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