Jun 6, 2009

Why a Blog?

Someone asked me, why a blog? Hmmm. I can't imagine not having one. So the question was kind of crazy to me. I started my blog, to write mostly to myself. Remember things, times, family, fun, my art, etc. I started visiting other blogs and leaving comments. Getting excited about other bloggers eye candy and artful adventures. It was so easy and fun, I’d say something about their wonderful items, then they would reply. I’d get comments and be so thrilled, that I started leaving more comments and the next thing you know, you have this blog village that you travel in. You visit and stop by friends, chat, share, encourage and be encouraged. Spread your wings and do art forms you never new you could do. It is a big blessing in my life. There are so many amazingly talented people who share their lives and art openly. Wonderful, friendly and kind individuals who make the blog adventure so wonderful. So many lovely people. You may never have actually felt their hugs, but you know they are hugging...and...that’s the best part. Although it's cyberspace, we share so many likes, and types of things in our lives that it is just a special connection and an inspiration knowing we are all out their in the blog art world. I think it's why artful blogging is so successful. It's interesting to meet new people and talents. So ... that's why a blog! We are all lil cyber fairies. LOL

1 comment:

Tolentreasures said...

How true, how true. Mine started just for me to remember everything that happens and that I have finished...or sometimes just started and now I love hearing about everyone else...well put!
